-Fiber count: 1 G.652D
-Strength member: (0.4±0.1mm)*2
-Messenger wire: 1.2±0.1mm
-Cable OD: 2.0±0.2mm*5.2±0.2mm
-Cable weight: 22kg/km±15%
-Operation temperature range: -20 deg C to + 60 deg C
-Installation temperature range: -5 deg C to + 50 deg C
-Transport and storage temperature range: -20 deg C to + 60 deg C
-Max. tensile load: Short term:1000N; long term:300N
-Crush resistance: 500 N/10cm
-Minimal installation bending radius: 20 x OD
-Minimal operation bending radius: 10 x OD